- Momo number is 0596004669
- Name on it is NANA OKYIR BAIDOO
- Registration FEES
- Nurse/Midwife Practitioner - GHC 50
- Nurse/Midwife Administrator - GHC 50
- Nurse/Midwife Educator/Researcher - GHC 50
- Nurse/Midwife Private Sector - GHC 50
- All Nurse/Midwife students - GHC 25
Seminar overview
Nurses and midwives are a formidable group of health professionals that form over 50 percent of the health workforce in every country. Academic preparation of these workforces has evolved over the years from apprenticeship levels through assistance to a current cohort of highly educated workforce with diploma, first, second and third degrees from many public and private educational institutions. Graduation from institutions of learning becomes the initial step as nurses and midwives into career development and serves as the springboard for fulfilling career diversification into what is commonly set into clinical, education and research and administration and management. Practically, there exist congruencies in these areas of career opportunities as each area may require application of competencies in general nursing or midwifery along with a range of specialist areas.
The situation described above is not different in the Ghanaian context where most nurses and midwives remain within their scope of practice in clinical, education and research and management throughout their career: whilst engaging in continual professional education to keep competent and to remain professionally licensed to practice by regulation. Much as these career pathways exists, there are other pathways that open the midwife or nurse into the doors of global careers. Unfortunately, these pathways have least been explored by Ghanaian midwives and nurses. Global nursing and midwifery careers are potential opportunities for diversification for Ghanaian nurses and midwives. The current relatively young and growing population with the requisite academic and professional background stand a chance if they can prepare and position themselves early enough in their career trajectory.
Informal discussions with this growing population reflect a thirst for interactions with senior colleagues who have had global careers to provide pathways for success. This course is presented as a webinar to provide such a platform. It seeks to expose especially the young and growing population of professional nurses and midwives to consider fulfilling, challenging and exciting global careers.
Seminar Objectives
- List some of the opportunities that exist in global midwifery and nursing
- Describe the trajectory that selected Global Midwives and Nurses took to launch into their global careers
- Understand the process/steps to developing a global career
- Apply the concepts learned to initiate a career in global work based on interest
List of competencies to be derived
- Assess their personal potential for career development through introspection and self-reflection
- Consider the principles and concepts of building a global career
- Develop a plan for developing a global career
- Adopt strategies for success
Assessment Criteria
Instructional Hours
Unit Reading List
- Careers-in-Nursing-Midwifery/Advancing-your-career Accessed 31.3.2022
- Articles Accessed 31.3.2022
- Professional forums and networks 31.3.2022
- Nursing and Midwifery Career Pathways Factsheet 31.3.2022
- Professional development career planning and pathways Accessed 4.4.2022
- The Nursing Profession in a Globalizing World Accessed 4.4.2022
- Skills Required for Nursing Career Advancement 4.4.2022
- Date: May 24, 2022
- Time Start: 15.00- 18.00hrs
- Mode: Virtual
- 3.00pm: Chairman’s call to start
- 3.02pm: Opening Prayer
- 3.05pm: Welcome remarks and webinar purpose and objectives by chairperson
- 3.10pm: Short introduction/warm-up session with participants
- 3.30pm: Introduction of panellist by Chairperson
- 3.40pm: Brief Remarks from Director of Nursing and Midwifery- MOH
- 3.45pm: Brief Remarks from Director of Nursing and Midwifery - GHS
- 3.50pm: Panel session
- 5.00pm: Plenary discussion/Q&A
- 5.40pm: Key Take home messages from Panellists
- 5.50pm: Chairperson closing remarks
- 6.00pm: Closing Prayer and close
Mr Felix Kwame Nyante, Registrar, Nursing and Midwifery Council-Ghana
To create opportunity for midwifery and nursing professionals in Ghana to learn more about the potentials in global careers in midwifery and nursing
Profile of Panelists

Dr. Mrs. Jemima A. Dennis-Antwi

Dr. Mrs. Abigail Agartha Kyei

Mr. Felix Nyante

Mrs. Susan Ama Otchere