
About Us
Centre for Health Development and Research (CEHDAR) is a REGISTERED health systems strengthening non-governmental organisation dedicated to contributing to building sustainable health systems, projects and programs locally and internationally.
CEHDAR aims at building professional capacity and leadership to ensure quality and equitable services to health systems globally.
OUR WORK: CEHDAR is an evolving cutting-edge health systems development organization that seeks to deliver services tjay inform evidence-based strategic planning and policy development. CEHDAR works with its team of diverse experts and strong Advisory Committee to create an environment of real-life and face-to-face/online learning experience that collectievely lead to building of appropriate technicalcompetencies informed by local content and cultural relevance. The spirit of innovation, assertivenes, equity, respectful care and passion to save human lives is engrained in the design and delivery of services.
CEHDAR seeks to foster relationships that dont stop after one interaction sculptured for your health professional and systems'needs.
Our boardmembers includes experts in the fields of nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, adolescent health (SRMNAH), health communication and health promotion, health learning materials development, policy development, advocacy, social research, monitoring and evaluation, gender, community development, Sickle Cell Disease and genetic counselling.
As a board members, we create an exceptional mix of capabilities to address current interrelated challenges in health care programming.
As we meet evolving challenges of the health care system, we stand committed to the principles of passion, mutual respect, innovation, accountability, excellence and board members work. Our work is grounded in evidence with a focus on developing the capacities of health professionals, health communities and populations towards improved health care services through continual engagement with partners and stakeholders.
LEADERSHIP: Initiatives of CEHDAR is led by its Founding President and CEO (Dr. Mrs. Jemima A. Dennis-Antwi), a seasoned health professional with over thirty-four(34)years of diverse expertise locally and internationally in health systems strengthening,health promotion,advocacy and policy development, capacity building, social research,genetic counceling in sickle cell disease, nursing and midwifery,programmes and projects establishment and management. Services are offered through continual engagement with evergrowing and evolving board members, experts and leadership in governments and partnerships at all levels of health programming, services and promotion.
PARTNERS/COLLABORATORS: The Founding President and CEO has over her years worked or collaborated of professional experience worked with diverse organisations and development partners. These include but not limited to:
Africa Partners: UNFPA (various countries: Ethiopia, Ghana,Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Nigeria,Sierra Leone,Somalia,Sudan,South Sudan,Uganda, Zambia): WHO(Ghana and Sierra Leone), African Women Development Fund (AWDF) through White Ribbon Alliance -Kenya (WRA-K),UNICEF-Ghana,University of Cape Town-South Africa, Population Council-Ghana,Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives, Ministries of Health of Ghana and other African countries, Ghana Health Service, DFiD-Ghana, World Vision International-Ghana, West Africa Postgraduate College of Nursing and Midwifery (WAPCNM), East, Central and Southern Africa College of Nurses and Midwives (ECSACON), Catholic Relief Services-Ghana, Nigeria Breweries Ltd. Partnerships for Transforming Health Systems II- Nigeria (Abuja (PATHS -John Hopkins University -Centre for Communications Programs), Jhpiego(Ghana and Tanzania),Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA-Ghana)
Other Global Organisations:American College of Nurse-Midwives-USA,International Confederation of Midwives-Hague (ICM), WHO-Geneva, White Ribbon Alliance-USA (WRA), STOP TB-WHO/Global Health Fund(Geneva), USAID, Johns Hopkins University-USA, Yale University School of Nursing, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)-University of Pennsylvania, Ipas-North Carolina, Tropical Health Education Trust-UK, Sick-Kids-Canada.
Current partners and collaborators of CEHDAR are Ministry of Health-Ghana/Ghana Health Service, White Ribbon Alliance-USA and What Women Want Campaign ,AWDF through White Ribbon Alliance-Kenya, Sickle Cell Foundation of Ghana.
Our Mission
To promote excellent community health by advancing gender-sensitive leadership in a conducive, equity-based environment that drives quality health systems.
Our Vision
To be an organisation of choice for driving innovation in restructuring health care systems and building professional capacities
Our Goals
To motivate, build capacity and provide technical assistance to the health workforce, advocates, policy-makers and partners through excellence in capacity building, evidence-based research, advocacy, policy development and gender in health, to lead and sustain change in health care systems.
Our Values
Passion driven by a collective responsibility and commitment to making a positive impact on our communities of engagement.
Boardmemberswork for high level performance and achievement.
Innovation to power research.
Accountability to ourselves, partners and clients.
Mutual respect for diversity of ideas and expertise.
Excellence in service and delivery.